Friday, 13 May 2016


Causing a separation stronger than divorce
The Creator gave waters to the heaven and some to the earth
The earthly waters made room for dry land
If the heavenly waters did, only the creatures therein can tell.

In the spirit of occupying, the birds and flying objects claimed the sky
Expressing and exploring, maximizing the limitless space to fly

None would be called virgin,
Of the family of Micah they won’t be found.
The land sprung forth, birthing fruits, seeds and herbs
Like a twin sentenced to eternal rivalry,
The waters in turn bore fishes and sea animals
The whales and living creatures.

But upon the head of creations, He called a conference;
Of elders and angels, the entirety of the heavenlies
Not because He needed help but because man should be special

The gathering formed an entity
From clay he was made to stand like a statue
Staring but visionless, figure without life
God made him in His own image.
So that the sight of him, tells you how He looks

But he couldn’t function without the breath
The breath that makes him the image of God.
Bearing Thoughts as creative as like the Beginning Himself
Speaking words as potent as his maker.
When He made him, He said he was good!

So blessed He him thus:
To fruitfully replenish the earth
To multiply his kind and lord on others.
Animals might have kings
Fishes can have community leaders
The Fowl of the air would create a defense in troop
But you, his image, was made for dominion!
And everything made perfect sense to God…

The End.

 'Tope Olabisi


First time i saw him, my heart skipped a beat or maybe two.
When I looked into her eyes, my knees grew weak and I couldn’t think straight anymore.
These two are the perfect example of today’s definition, the world’s expectation of LOVE.
10 years later, for the strong ones, they are divorced.
And we all wonder, what happened? But they were so in love, or weren’t they?
Of course they were, they could barely spend a day without each other.
They could not eat or drink in the absence of the other, they always moved together with love in their eyes and the widest of smiles on their faces.
They just seemed so perfect for each other and they opted for marriage, a lifetime contract.
So what happened? We ask again.

Here’s what went wrong?
They signed a contract without knowing fully the terms and conditions,
And they eventually opted out, the bed of roses had more thorns than they envisaged,
The guy turns out to be a control freak, so the lady feels like she’s caged,
Or the lady turns out to be an OCD patient, and the guy never does anything right in the house
The guy loses his Job and can provide for them no more, the burden is on the lady,
She becomes irritated and changes towards him
He develops inferiority complex, because “she acts like the boss”.
They fall out of love, they fall apart, never see eye to eye again
And eventually, the actual separation.

Why do we get married?

Look forward to our next post... The concluding part of Choosing to love.

A Lesson from Samson the Great (How love conquered)

We have over the years, heard about the story of Samson. The most popular story I can even remember is the one which Samson tore the lions mouth. We have also perceived Samson to be the man who was gifted by GOD with strength and yet did not bring people to the reverence of God. Rather he indulged himself in womanizing and taking of strong wine. This we see as acts that aren’t God glorifying and we may even be courageous enough to say Samson’s gift proved a waste in his hands and we would have been able to list people who would have proved more worthy of a gift like this.

However, what we are failing to see is that there is nothing done without the knowledge and approval of God. He allows for things to happen and not necessarily carrying out the actions by Himself. In the case of Samson, the bible records (Judges 14:1-4) how God had always been with him even from the time he was conceived.

We know the story of Samson and Delilah, and how she had connived with the philistine leaders to reveal the secret of Samson’s strength for an exchange of silver (Judges 16:5). We also know that Samson was later caught (Judges 16:20) and perhaps we feel that he could had avoided that.

There is something I would like to draw our attention to and that is how Love played a major role throughout the relationship pan of Samson and Delilah. From the bible, we see that Israel had been delivered unto the Philistines for 40 years (Judges 13:1) and thus, the Israelites were being oppressed by the Philistines and this lead to the birth of Samson, who was to deliver them from their long time oppressors. We also saw that Samson grew into a great treat to the philistines because he was able to overcome their every plan but from another perspective it was also hard for the Israelite’s to hit where matters with the Philistine – the leadership.

Although Samson was defeating the soldiers, he was yet to reach the leaders. Then comes Love, when Samson fell in love with Delilah, it became easy to reach the leaders because they became interested in the relationship. The leaders knew that by Samson falling in love with one of them (Philistines) Samson would become trusting and reveal all his secret. From the other side (God’s) there has been a way to get into the inner chambers of the Philistines. At the time of Samson’s death, we see that Samson killed more philistines (including the ruling class) than ever before (Judges 16:30).

How do we see love in this story?

the concluding part of this post – A lesson from Samson the Great 2 (How Loved played out)

Thomas Osume.

The Christ Movement

Let’s talk about love.


God created us and He loves us dearly. I am sure we all think it is just normal for God to love us simply because he created us. Why would you create something you don’t love, or why won't you love something you created (anyhow that goes)? So we think it is only natural for him to love us. But no, God’s love isn’t natural, it’s supernatural.

Let’s take this for example; You’re a fashion designer. You make clothes. No matter the challenges you face while making clothes, you still end up creating something beautiful. You end up  loving your designs. You love the clothes you make.

The ability to make something beautiful is fulfilling. Therefore you love what you make, what you created. You love the work of your hands. How much more, when what you created is exactly the image you had in mind, perfect. This, i am sure, is close to how the Creator of Heaven and earth, who created us, must feel. He made us in His own image and loves us dearly. What makes God’s love for His creatures more than man’s love for their creations or inventions is that we have life. We are made to be like Him-in his image! His love for us is agape, unconditional.

God said in Jeremiah 1:5 that he knew us before he formed us in the belly. Yes! God knew and loved us even before we were born. God showed us His love in different ways but the most amazing is that He sent His ONLY SON to die for us so we may have eternal life (John 3:16). He died for us so that we may live.
God wants us to share this love He has for us with others. He showed His love and sent Jesus to save us. If you are saved, great! If not, you can and should be. You are welcome. There is space for everyone.

He wants us to reach out and pour this love on others by telling them how sweet it is to have God as our father. Don’t be selfish with your salvation. We are referred to as ‘witnesses’ in Acts 1:8. It is our duty to tell of His love. That Bible verse also says “we shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon us.” This means we have spiritual backing. There is nothing stopping us. We have all the tools and means we need. We go out, meet people, have phones, use the internet, engage in conversations etc. let us put God in our conversations. Join evangelism groups and/or do personal evangelism.

I stumbled on a quote recently that ended with “your life may be the only Bible someone reads.” The Bible says too that “by their fruits you shall know them.” Therefore our lifestyle says a lot. Our lifestyle should preach Christ too because people watch us.
I will end this by saying – This is Love and Christ Movement. We are taking Jesus to the world!
