Saturday, 5 March 2016

Love Before Time

Time can be said to be medium of measurement for events, plans or even the purpose for a creation or an idea.But there is an idea that predates time. Time was not known or even heard of when this plan was made. The advent of time came after the plan has been executed and the purpose for the creation had started operating in its potentials.

The plan to make sure man was brought up before man knew the word Time. Man was created from an existing principle before the existence of Time.

Man was created from the principle of LOVE (GOD) 1 John 4:8 . This principle existed before time. In Genesis 1:1 we see this that when creation started was when time began (in the beginning)but God(Love) wasn't begun, He was - before the beginning. So staying with this principle that predated time shows the efficacy and sustainably that this principle is. This principle is not just a thought concept but a "Person".

By this we could then say a person who predates time has shown us a way that He has lived by- even before time and this completely explains his personality even unto the creation of Man. This is what we should long for, this is what we should live for, this is the coming into the Person who is Love. This is us becoming of what predates us. This is love before time.

Let's love as he did. God love before we carried out our disobedience, so let's also love not minding the outcome. Let's love in faith of God who we are the outcome of His love. Let's communicate with our maker using a Means that predates us and experience His (LOVE) that predates everything we know.

Won't you rather start today?

                                                    Thomas Osume

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