So, I got thinking.... I want to raise a Big Question and I want y'all to join me on the journey to finding an answer. Move with Me... Don't lose me at any point.
It is an established fact and Biblical truth that Sex was specially made for Marriage as an institution by God. Therefore, Sex is not to be engaged in not before marriage, but until after marriage, and only with one's partner.
When I got thinking, the word Marriage seemed to be ambiguous in itself. We have several kinds of marriage; Traditional, Statutory, Religious and the likes. Here in Nigeria, people do both traditional and statutory marriages, or Church and statutory and sometimes they do all three. But also there are people who do just one of the above, as the marriages are legal in their own rights and based on several conditions.
So this was the question that got me writing.... We know that Church wedding is definitely valid in the eyes of God, because the marriage is sealed by a God ordained priest or Pastor, but can we say that the other marriages are valid too? Wouldn't I be committing fornication if I get married traditionally or at the court or both without going before a priest?
Or if a person who was raised in the traditional setting gets born again after getting married, would that marriage be regarded as valid?
Let me hear what you think?
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Good Question
Sigh.... I have never really thought about it that way.
Let's hear your thoughts
I dont think its fornication coz they're legally married. Fornication is pre-marital sex. Theyve been joined together by an authority higher than them (statutory or traditional).so sex between them isnt morally wrong. Theyve been JOINED. Theyve been pronounced man and wife. Its not like the woman just moved into his house without bride price being paid. Its different if marriage vows werent read. Sad for them if they're not Christians tho. If they become born again after marriage, they can go ahead and do it the Christian way before a priest. No need for anything elaborate.
I really don't think it matters, after all traditional wedding has been in existence since and also God is not undermined in the ceremony.
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